Reproductive Rights Film Festival 2024

Free and   Open to the public

September 19 to 22, Five Films, Cinemapolis, Ithaca NY

Thursday, September 19, 7 PM Film to be announced

Friday, September, 20, 7 PM, film to be announced

Saturday, September, 21, 3 PM Film to be annuonced

Saturday, September 21, 7 PM Film to be announced

Sunday, September 22, 3 PM  Film to be announced


The Week of September 8, three Zoom Programs

with Grandmothers For Reproductive Rights

 Sept. 11, 3 PM-Behind the Curtain: A Deep Dive into ACC’s,  Register


More  information about the films and zoom programs coming soon.

Contact us

Take a look at the 2023 Film Festival


Thank you to the following:

Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights

Triphammer Arts Inc.

Community Arts Partnership

Other partners are:
FLEFF, CloseToHome Productions,
Center for Media and Society at Hobart and William Smith College, Central NY NOW

Security provided by  GPI Security


This program is made possible in part with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant program from the
New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of the office of the Governor and NYS Legislature, administered by the
Community Arts Partnership of Tompkins County

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